Canola oil is a type of vegetable oil that is extracted from the seeds of the canola tree. Although the name is fat that scares many people. But these fats are beneficial for the body if eaten properly and in moderation. Anyone interested in using this type of oil in cooking should know the facts about its health benefits and harm. Including how to use canola oil safely
Canola oil benefits
Unsaturated fatty acids are the dominant nutrients in this oil. The benefit of this type of fat is that it reduces the amount of harmful fat in the blood. Like triglycerides (Triglyceride) and trans fats. This may stimulate the body to cause inflammation and increase the risk of chronic disease over the long term.
Moreover, unsaturated fats also stimulate blood flow to the heart. It keeps the heart healthy and reduces the accumulated fat in the body, so regular intake of unsaturated fats may help fight inflammation in the body. Promotes healthy heart health And reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc.
In addition, unsaturated fats are often composed of vitamin E. Which vitamin E is an essential nutrient and acts as an antioxidant. It may help slow down the degeneration of cells within the body. In addition to health benefits Canola oil can be used in many different cooking applications.
Either fried or grilled cooking. Use as a salad dressing Or use it as a substitute for butter and margarine in baking.
Risks from canola oil to know before using
While the benefits of canola oil are research and scientific evidence many. But there are some arguments that are still not conclusive. In addition, improper consumption can also cause disease. Users should be aware of the risks of consuming this type of oil, such as:
Getting too high in omega-6
Omega 6 fatty acids or linoleic acid are essential fatty acids for the body. However, excessive intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fats may result in an imbalance. Studies have shown that when the levels of these two fats are unbalanced. They can cause more inflammation than anti-inflammatory. Which in the long term may increase the risk of obesity, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Contains trans fats
Although canola oil is high in good fats and is a healthy food. But they also contain trans fats, which are responsible for raising the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and potentially causing fat clots in the arteries. Resulting in heart disease Cerebrovascular disease And type 2 diabetes.
It is a GMO product.
Most canola oil comes from genetically modified canola plants. Also known as GMO crops, where most GMO crops use chemicals to control yield quality.
Therefore may lead to contaminants with the product Therefore, there is currently a debate on whether the product of genetically modified plants can have a negative impact on health or not.
Unclear heart health benefits
Although many studies show that canola oil is beneficial for the heart and blood circulation. Help fight inflammation And reduce the risk of heart disease. But there are studies that give opposite results.
It was found that it may increase the risk of metabolic obesity in people who eat it regularly. Some studies on the benefits of canola oil have been funded by companies that sell it. Therefore some benefits are questionable.
How to consume canola oil safely
Many people choose to use canola oil because of its health benefits. For safety and maximum benefit Should be used according to the following instructions.
Eat an appropriate amount of canola oil. Despite the fact that it contains healthy fats But getting too much can also cause a buildup inside the body.
Eat omega-3s from additional food sources. Like sea fish or nuts on a regular basis To prevent imbalance of omega fatty acids.
To maintain the quality of use All canola oil should be used within 3 months and stored in a cool, dry place. Away from sunlight and heat
Finally, exercise should be done regularly. Calculate the fat gained per day. And eat other healthy foods to help reduce fat deposits But there are concerns about the risks of using canola oil. You may want to try alternative oils that are high in good fats such as olive oil and corn oil. Sunflower seed oil, etc.
the seeds of the canola tree. This type of oil is popular among health lovers. It is believed that it may help lower cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Due to the high content of unsaturated fat (Unsaturated Fat)
Canola oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids. (Monounsaturated Fat) about 64 percent of the remaining fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. (Polyunsaturated Fat), about 28 percent by fat in this group will include essential fatty acids. Such as linoleic acid (Linoleic Acid) or the familiar omega 6 And also contains about 7 percent saturated fat.