Riceberry rice is a species of Thai rice. For health conscious people. Which is becoming very popular at this time fit for the lifestyle of people now aday. Do a lot of work, have a little time to rest. Plus don’t have time to take care of yourself. Eating rice berry Is another channel in health care. Today there are new products that have been adapted to meet the needs of easy, convenient and fast riceberry milk.
Some people may be familiar with the name of rice berry. But may not be familiar How much is riceberry milk? It’s better to see what benefits rice milk has that makes people who care for their health to fall in love with. Riceberry milk is rich in nutrients. Has good anti-oxidant properties.
Have high amounts of folate And there are many other nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin B1, lutein, omega 3, iron, and fiber. There are many benefits .
1. Control weight.
Riceberry milk contains gamma orizanol. Help control sugar levels Reduces cholesterol: When you drink it, your body will digest sugar slowly. It makes you full for a long time, not hungry quickly, can reduce the consumption a little.
Similar to other whole grain counterparts, Riceberry rice is rich in anthocyanin, which helps lowering cholesterol in the blood vessels. Thus, Riceberry rice is highly recommended for patients who are suffered from obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
2. High fiber.
Riceberry rice is abundant in fiber which helps the body with digestion, as well as lowering blood cholesterol and glucose level. In addition to filling for a long time Rice milk also improves the digestive system as well. Anyone with constipation regularly drinks riceberry milk, it helps as well.
3. Flat stomach.
When we have a better digestive system Over time It will help no waste or stools left in the intestines. Contribute to a flat stomach than ever.
4. Detox waste.
As you know, riceberry milk is high in fiber. Thus helping with better bowel movements And also to detox waste Can clear toxins from the body as well Because of the fiber that we get from rice milk. Will become a food source for good bacteria in the intestines Which when these bacteria are strong, they will help work in the intestinal tract better as well.
5. High in vitamin E.
Riceberry milk contains vitamin E and zinc. Will help with rejuvenation To come back to the child’s face Face bounced again More importantly, it also helps build collagen. Make the skin firm Helps reduce wrinkles quite well.
6. Folate high folate is good for pregnant mothers.
Turned to drink riceberry milk often. It will help to create red blood cells. Help in protein metabolism Helps reduce the risk of cleft lip and palate of your baby. And prevent pregnancy poisoning Greatly contributes to the formation of DNA (precursor of various cell building) of the unborn child.
7. Purple substance slow down aging.
Obviously, the riceberry has a deep purple color. Even though it comes in riceberry milk, it is still not out of the purple in color. It is anthocyanin, water soluble. And is classified as a group of flavonoid or “antioxidant” that is highly effective. Helps repair dull skin cells and protect from the sun, with research indicating that Antioxidants found in rice berries. Are higher in fruit and green tea nearly 100 times.