Can vitamin C really prevent colds?

          From the study found that taking vitamin C regularly could not prevent colds. and had no effect on reducing the risk of catching a cold. Except in those who exercise regularly can reduce how to catching a cold by up to 50%

         But even so, can help reduce the severity and shorten the duration of a cold. That is from having a cold for 2-3 days until it disappears when Eating vitamin C regularly may have a mild cold for only 1-2 days. But if you have a cold. Then take this can’t help anything UFABET 

Is it good to take vitamin C supplements?

Normally, we get vitamin C from the food we eat every day. especially vegetables and fruits. But the proportion we get from general food may not be enough to meet the needs of the body. Especially those who need to get a little more from 500 milligrams or more. Such as people who often have colds and have allergies. people with scurvy It’s a hidden secret. Your doctor will give you supplements. Including those who smoke, it is necessary to eat. Because smoking will reduce the amount in the body. As well as pregnant women person preparing for surgery or recently recovering from surgery I should get more..