Today’s most popular recipe presents a popular drink: cold fruit juice made from ripe pineapple, namely juice. Which the color of pineapple juice is yellow, sweet and sour taste. You can drink it freshly But if brought to taste with our special syrup formula.

Ingredients for making pineapple juice

1 ripe pineapple,

0.8 kg of granulated sugar

0.6 kg of boiled water

1 teaspoon salt.

How to make pineapple juice

Start by preparing the syrup, boil the water to a boil, add the sugar to a boil, and season the syrup with salt. Chew on a low fire. Let the syrup turn yellow Was brought to rest to cool. Then we will prepare a pinch of water.

To peel the pineapple technique for shelling pinches. cut out the pinches of the pints. Leaving only yellow meat, juice will be acidic In order to chop the pints. Use a glove to protect them from being exposed to water.

Prepare the blender, Put water over the pineapple pulp. Blend thoroughly then bring the pineapple juice only.

Season the juice with pineapple juice mixed with syrup and sweeten the syrup to your liking fresh Serve cold juices.

The secret to making juice from pineapple

We used to make juice try to choose from Sriracha pineapple because it has a sweet and sour taste. When used to make drinking water, it has a slightly distorted taste and a little sweet.

The pineapple chopped must be perfectly ripe, not raw, or to rot. Choose wisely. The very hard fruits are still raw. 

Has a little acidity. Wear protective gloves to prevent biting your hands. But even if the hand is bitten, it’s just an itchy, it’s not very dangerous.

That syrup must be seasoned with salt Salinity of salt. The syrup not too sweet add mellow.  Then add salt seasoning little by little. Will be able to get the taste that is satisfied.

Drinking fruit juice no ice needed as the ice will dilute the flavor. For people who enjoy ice Let the seasoning be more intense. Since the ice is melted, the flavor will be just right.

The benefits of pineapple juice

Help the digestive system Reduce abdominal tightness , inflammation and swelling.  Repair worn tissues in the body, helping to expel phlegm.

Pineapple juice, a refreshing menu, how to make it . What do pineapples can eat? A simple popular fruit drink recipe that helps digestion. Reduce abdominal tightness.
